




Follow the explantion below for each indicator

gameplay example1
1. Country Name: The country you searched for last.

2. Country Population: The population of the country you searched for last. The arrow will signle if the country you are looking for has a higher or lower number of population

3. Country Name Acknowledge: **The year in which the country you searched for last has been recognized by name and teritory** (data has been proveded by wikipedia). The arrow will signle if the country you are looking for is more recent or not

4. Country Area Size: The area size of the country you searched for last. the arrow will provide indication to if the country you are looking for is bigger or smaller

5. Direction: Direction from the CENTER of the country you searched for last to the CENTER of the country you are looking for

6. Subregion: Indication to whether or not the country you searched for last is in the same subregion as the country you are looking for. A green color will be added to sub-region if is correct

gameplay example2

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